About Pronto Lectures

Determining the business essence.

Pronto is a method to determine the essence of an organisation. Pronto Lectures documents the content and origin of Pronto.

Why Pronto Lectures

The primary goal of this site is to document the discovery and the content of Pronto for future generations and academia.

The discovery of Pronto as method started in 2006 by a couple of co-workers at Sogeti Netherlands. These three friends are now retired for some time. There are no records of their journey to be found. Therefore the information on this site will be collected via a series of (unstructured) interviews.

The secondary goal of this website is to create a platform for enterprise engineers to contribute to Pronto as a part of the Enterprise Engineering toolkit just as DEMO is.


The Pronto Lectures is a private initiative to document this discovery for historic and academic purposes.

The content of this site is licenced under CC BY-SA 4.0

Content presentation

The content of this site is generated by the Static Site Generator Hugo.

The layout of this site is provided by the Hugo theme Docsy (maintained by Google).

Docsy is licenced under Apache License 2.0.


The site is hosted via Gitlab Pages using the latest version of (Alpine Linux) Hugo extended container maintained by Hugo.

The site generiation makes use of
PostCSS and NodeJS.

NPM is installed in the pipeline and autoprefixer, postcss-cli and postcss as Docsy pre-requisite.